The UnrealScript Hierarchy Explorer scans through the directory you specify and all subdirectories, finds all .uc files (UnrealScript classes) and parses them, constructing the full hierarchy tree. The tree is displayed as a TreeView tree, whose nodes each represent a class. Upon selecting a node, the UHE displays the file on the larger, right-hand panel.
This tool allows you to look through a hierarchy of classes without moving back and forth through folders and opening files over and over, looking for the parent classes. Instead you are presented with the hierarchy and can look through a file from within the application. The Search tool allows you to find a class with the specified name to further facilitate your search.
Note: specify the folder of the current version you are working on. All subfolders will be looked through, so the classes will be found, but finding doubles of the classes may cause double instances of nodes.
Terms of use: This software is offered for free and to be used "as-is". This means that you cannot include it in a larger program, a suite or similarly without explicit permission from the author. Feel free to use it for commercial and non-commercial applications as long as the software and author are given proper credit (and notifying the author would be appreciated to, so as to accordingly adjust his portfolio). Contacting the author is possible through IndieDB (profile link provided in company profile) or by any other source.